Embracing the U N U S U A L
It’s different here! While different may be hard, perhaps it’s all “perception”. All in how we view it, and how we approach it. 
Watching families create ways to connect in this new circumstance is unusual yet profound!
6FT will NOT stop LOVE. Six feet only causes us to go deeper, fight harder & build stronger ways to survive this mentally, spiritually & emotionally! 
Gratitude abounds on a new level. Every small thing; the hug, the random visit, the commute to work, the connection with a stranger, the artist in the subway. Every simple gesture we may have simply taken for granted. Life was different here in just 24 short hours. Normal may never look the same again. Help one another like it here!
Embrace the U N U S U A L
#themorningafter #thepoweroftransition #healing #tranaformation #restorativelifestyle #healingisconstant #boundaries #authenticity #braveheart #peaceispersonal #joyispowerful #youcanthavemywings
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